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The Bear Helps those who Radically Self Rely on Themselves


It’s a new week, a new dawn, a new sale. We are currently in the midst of one of the sales, one of the last opportunities to buy a ticket. The sale continues until August 30th, no need to rush, but as you know, it’s best not to leave things to the last minute.

While people are buying their tickets, camps, art and everything in between is happening in full swing, and I am here for you. Tell us all of your secrets and desires - helping hands, special requests or a consultation, we will make sure to publish them. We have many channels and we are happy to use the power of this amazing community to help each other out.

We have a load more of important things to talk about today,

So fill your cup with your favorite liquid, take our hand and let's go!

What’s the opposite of buyer’s remorse?

8pm Tuesday is the end of the current sale for production and camps which means we have one last opportunity to get a ticket. The next sale, which will happen on Sept. 14th at 8pm, will be an open sale (so have your finger on the refresh button) for one night only. This is a “playa will provide sale” for anyone who didn’t get a ticket yet, and will have tickets left over from previous sales. Good luck.

Ticket to Ride

Since we are already talking tickets, we thought it good to mention ticket transfers. You can transfer tickets from now until October 15th. If you got a ticket through an open sale you can transfer your ticket to anyone, if you got your ticket at one of the production/camp/art sales you can only transfer it within the group you got it from. To read more and find the form you need to fill look here:

A helping paw

Our friends who are working on an art installation need some help. They are building a huge clam where you can rest, recharge, listen to healing music and enjoy original video art that was created for it. They are working every weekend at Emek Izrael and need some help with construction and more. Reach out at: 0522513997

The one percent

Mapaz and Midburn are proud to present the newest innovation in Burner history


Because after we all enjoy our time in the desert and cry and laugh and get confused and drunk and cry again and meet someone and get drunk again, someone needs to take apart our amazing city. So why not extend your Midburn and help all of us finish this event with our head on our shoulders? We are trying to sign up at least one percent of our whole city to join the strike crew and break down our dusty desert town. 1% that is only 70 people, that is it.

So if you want to be one of the strong few sign up in this link

Chemical (toilet) brothers

Just so we end on high note - some useful information on a critical issue - toilet service.

Disposal and cleaning during the event should be coordinated and ordered from the following supplier only.


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