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Rising from the Dust - City of Midburn


Are you ready?

In 145 days, Midburn’s gates will open.

It's official - we can finally get excited!

We know, there have been many rumors around. We needed just an extra moment of patience, and we thank you all for trusting us with the silence and waiting patiently.

The city of Midburn will rise from the dust and open its gates on November 6th 2023 for six days. You can let everybody know at work, schedule your kickoff meetings, think of an idea and form a group around it, arrange your equipment, maybe do some welding and carpentry, and most importantly ask yourself: “where’s my passion this year?”. Is it joining the Department of Public Works to build the city? Joining some other department? Doing a shift or two? Create art? An art car maybe? Forming a Theme Camp?

This is our time to dream.

What’s next?

Participation! We have almost 5 months to dream, build, and burn. Here’s our plan:

  • Kickoff meeting on June 29th at the Bat-Yam Design Terminal, 18:30. Save the date!

  • The ticketing plan and this year’s Theme will be revealed in the kickoff meeting.

  • Theme Camps and art registration forms will be published later this month.

  • Midburn Departments will publish their Calls for Participation.

  • Artists, Theme Camp leaders, and Newburns meetups.

  • A new website - soon to be online, containing all relevant information.

  • Location details - soon.


The Ten Principles are the foundations on which Midburn is built.

  • Participation

  • Immediacy

  • Gifting

  • Leaving No Trace

  • Communal Effort

  • Radical Inclusion

  • Civic Responsibility

  • Radical Self-expression

  • Decommodification

  • Radical Self-reliance


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