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Midburn 2022 Performance Grants


The Midburn Art Foundation Invites Artists to Apply for Midburn 2022 Performance Grants

How is an individual moved? How do you move them? Whether it's internal movement or external, fast or slow, in a group or within society. Is the individual passive or active? Parading, swarming, or galloping? What are they trying to present? How are they positively affecting their community? What issues require improvement or thought?

What is the grant for?

Facilitation is in the Midburn and Burning Man ethos, therefore, the grant is intended to help you realize your performance art dream.

If you’re groups or individuals - flow artists, street artists, stage artists, circus performers, or any other type of performers, who have an artistic performance in mind, you’re invited to fill in the form.


  • We strongly recommend not making any purchases or financial commitments until receiving an email officially approving the grant.

  • As in all Midburn events, ticket allocation will be granted to artists and their teams. You’re requested to fill in the form a reasonable number of teammates, taking into account the size and complexity of your creation. The Content Department is in charge of ticket allocations, nevertheless, the Art Foundation will modify the number of allocations requested if determined to be too high.

Part 1 - Grant Characteristics

  1. The grants provide a fixed and predetermined amount as set forth in this document.

  2. The applicant will apply for the grant amount detailed below. The amount cannot surpass all eligible expenses described in section 2b. The applicant’s eligibility will be determined based on a grade awarded according to the guidelines for evaluation described in Part 2.

  3. A request that did not achieve the minimum grade of 76 will not be eligible for the grant.

  4. The current call is for 4 grants of 1,500 ILS each.

  5. New installations are prioritized over ones that were previously presented

  6. Grants as reimbursement of expenses - according to the Registrar of Associations and Tax Authority guidelines, grants will only be given upon providing invoices for eligible expenses. Please read carefully the following guidelines on eligible expenses.

  7. Eligible expenses

  • Raw materials and fabrication of raw materials.

  • Consumables (drill bits, saws, etc.).

  • Rental of computing equipment, projectors, tools, etc.

  • Transportation.

  • Use of heavy machinery.

  • Safety engineer or any other regulatory approval requested by the Production and is under the responsibility of the applicant.

  • Transportation via existing installations.

  • Rental of workspace for the required time period.

  1. Non-eligible expenses

  • Purchase or rental of vehicles including bicycles.

  • Purchase of computers, projectors, or any permanent equipment.

  • Labour.

  • Subsistence allowance.

  • Budget of fundraising event.

  1. Registrar of Associations and Tax Authority requirements

  2. Private individuals - will only submit invoices for their expenses. All invoices must be addressed to the Midburn Foundation. Any other recipient will make the invoice inadmissible.

All paper invoices must be kept and sent by mail to an address that will later be provided. We tried to prevent this, but it is firmly required by law.

  1. Business or company - will submit one invoice addressed to the Midburn Foundation, totaling the granted amount, and backed by copies of the relevant invoices. All invoices must be addressed to the applying business or company. Any other recipient will make the invoice inadmissible. In addition, Confirmations of Withholding Tax at Source and Bookkeeping must also be submitted.

  1. Changes and reductions will require the artists to be extremely accurate in their budget plan. A budget too high will hurt the final grading and its chances to win the grant.

  1. One of the Foundation’s goals is to enable as many creators as possible to receive grants, and thus enable Midburn’s unique gallery of art. As a lesson from previous years, we created the ultimate online form linked below. The form contains the format for grant application along with 3 great examples for every section. We highly recommend using those.

  2. The submission form below is intended for artcars, portable art, and performance art, and includes: the registration of the art piece for the Arts Department, the submission of the safety folder, and the request for support from the Art Foundation. Previously three different forms, all are now joined to one.

Part 2 - Criteria for Eligibility

  1. Vision (25 points)

  2. Interactiveness, Experience, and Appearance (25 points)

  3. Budget and Financial Conduct(25 points)

  4. Realization Potential (25 points)

The minimal grade for eligibility is 76 points, to ensure all criteria are addressed.

Vision - What is your Burning Truth?

The vision underlying your creation must maintain the tension between simplicity (being reasonably communicative) and inspiration (which is broader in nature). The vision is the founding idea, out of which the creative process arises. It needs to describe the idea, the values, and the philosophy behind it.


The vision also includes the plan through which the idea transitions into the realised installation. This includes the design, drawings, set up, transportation, and MOOP. Please include your drawings, models, and material selection. Please also refer to challenges which have not yet been resolved.

** The full grade for this section will only be granted to a vision that points to a certain burning truth within you.

Interactiveness, Experience, and Appearance

Interactive art calls for action. It brings our attention to the world. The art in Midburn brings a space where viewers become participants, and therefore take part in your creation. The full realisation of an interactive art piece is only possible through participation.

We challenge you to create something inspirational, that calls for involvement, drives participation, confuse, tempt, surprise, excite, and more broadly - affects the event participants.


There are at least two very different settings in Midburn - day and night. Each with its own set of rules. You are requested to give thought to how your art contributes to the Playa and keeps it safe both during daylight, and at night through illumination.

Remember - what is the experience you wish to create?

** The full grade for this section will only be granted to a proposal that takes into account all the above principles, though they do not have to be equally addressed. If one of the principles is missing, please describe how its absence constitutes a part of the creation.

Budget and Financial Conduct

The artist is requested to submit a detailed budget plan after receiving quotes for external vendors. The budget must be realistic and correspond with the technical plan. A project without a detailed budget will not be reviewed.

The budget should not exclude:

  • Salaries (neither for the artist, nor for other professionals).

  • Subsistence allowance.

  • Purchase of tools.

  • Food.

  • Fundraising events.

The budget should include:

  • Materials.

  • Parts and raw material fabrication.

  • Consumables (drill bits, saws, etc.)

  • Transportation.

Financial Conduct

This criteria evaluates how well the team understands the financial implications of bringing its art to the Playa. Under this section, the team’s ability to gather the required resources to realise their installation, both in terms of financial liquidity (the grant, even if approved, is only delivered approximately two months after the event, upon fulfilling all requirements), and in terms of the ability to raise extra funds if required. The grant can be applied for if:

  • The budget plan matches the granted amount.

  • The budget plan surpasses the granted amount. In this case the team must demonstrate its ability to raise the extra funds independently.

** The full grade for this section will only be granted for realistic financial plans. “The Playa will provide” does not apply without radical self-reliance.

Realization Potential

This section refers to two aspect:

  1. Team - the specific abilities and talents of the team and their relevant background. Of course, initially, for some installations, certain roles and abilities will still be missing while submitting the request. These must prove their ability to recruit the required teammates.

  2. Schedule - what is the project timeline? It is extremely important to comply with the Midburn timetable. A team that is able to create a detailed time-allocated task list, has the best chance to bring its art to the Playa.

** The full grade for this section will only be granted after referring to all aspects of proper planning and execution.

Part 2 - Outline

  • 15/5/2022 - Grant announcement

  • 25/5/2022 - Opening the submission form.

  • 29/5/2022 - First meeting for artists and the Midburn Foundation (more details later on).

  • 19/6/2022 - Second meeting for artists and the Midburn Foundation (more details later on).

  • 30/6/2022 - Last submission day for art installations and requests for grants.

  • 17/7/2022 - Email notice for approvals and declines.

  • TBD - Signing the agreements with the foundation (more details later on).

  • 10-15/10/2022 - Midburn!!

  • During the event, the artists must take 3 daylight photographs and 3 nighttime photographs of the installation approved in the grant, and send it to the Art Foundation along with other required documents. This is obligatory. During the event, foundation representatives will visit the installation and evaluate its agreement with the plans, with respect to size, raw material, and appearance.

  • 31/10/2022 - first deadline for summary report, including the required tax documents as required by law. The funds will be transferred to the applicant's account not later than 29/11/2022 (assuming all documents properly submitted).

  • 30/11/2022 - last deadline for summary report, including the required tax documents as required by law. The funds will be transferred to the applicant's account not later than 31/12/2022 (assuming all documents properly submitted).

  • By law, applicants are required to declare any family ties between them and managers or paid workers for the Midburn Foundation from the day of its establishment until the day of submission.

Part 2 - Communication

All communication related to art is under the responsibility of the Content Department, through our wonderful angels team. The Foundation will keep its ongoing communication with the angels.




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