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Important notes on construction and safety


Anchoring and highlighting

Our area this year is exposed to winds so it is super important - to anchor structures, tents, and equipment to the ground in a proper safe way - please plan in advance the nature of your anchors.

All pegs (bazants), strings, rope, stakes- which pose a potential risk to passers-by - must be marked with something prominent.

The head of the pegs should be wrapped in a cloth or covered with a tennis ball and make sure to not be exposed.

Be sure to read the camp building procedure, tent complexes

Location and maintenance of pathways

All parts of the shade construction must be within the area allotted on the map.

If the area is 10 by 10, you can order a 7 by 7 size shade and make sure that the rope line is within the camp area marked on the map. It is important to keep the streets and pathways ways s clear as marked in the area and seen on the map

Shade construction and flame retardants

We burn installations, live close by, light fires, cook on gas ... so that no fire is lit in the shade construction- flame retardants are a must.

As part of the licensing requirements, any camp that sets up shade must pass certificates that the shade construction is not going to burn.

These certificates are divided into two:

1. Camps that rent shade through a supplier must provide us with two permits - a certificate that the shade was sprayed with a flame retardant, and third-party insurance. All providers have the ability to present these certificates. Vendors without these permits, will not enter the city.

2. Camps that set up their own shade - will need to spray their shade with a flame retardant supplier, and then provide a certificate proving it was sprayed.

Another option is to purchase flame retardant, send us the invoice and statement from the camp member who is spraying. The simplest letter in which he writes "Hey, I __ from camp _ sprayed the shade with a flame retardant. With ID number, phone, date, and signature.

The certificates should be transferred as soon as possible

A shade that will not be safe to use - will not be approved. It's quite a basa to be in Midburn without shade. Let's make sure it does not happen. And from here - what do you do? The simplest thing is to open a folder in the following drive: l The name of the folder is the name of the camp. And inside the folder, you copy the files.


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