Terms of participation in Midburn Association events
These terms are worded in masculine for convenience only, but are addressed to both women and men
1. Introduction
These terms constitute an agreement for all intents and purposes between the Midburn Association, A.R. 580567600 "(Event organizer") (the association and the production team will be referred to hereinafter jointly and severally: "the organizers"), and between each and every one of the profile owners registered on the association's website and / or ticket purchasers regarding participation in any event organized by The association ("event / s").
You are requested to read carefully and carefully what is stated in these terms. If you do not agree to any of the terms, you are required not to attend the event.
Your participation in the event constitutes absolute and unconditional consent to all that is stated in these conditions.
Any reference in these terms to the participant, whether in the first person or in the second person, whether singular or in the plural, also includes his minor children and / or anyone accompanying him to the event, and for which the participant is responsible and / or To his behavior. Where there is a discrepancy or inconsistency between what is stated in these terms and conditions and what is stated elsewhere on the website, what is stated in these terms and conditions will prevail.
1.1 The ten principles for personal conduct at an event
All event participants, create, act, participate and take place in the spirit The ten principles . You are required to read these ten principles before attending the event, and to abide by them and all other participants throughout your time present at the event complex, including during the period of its establishment, organization or dissolution, if you take part in them.
1.2 Environmental conditions at the event
Please note that many of the events take place outdoors, in different weather conditions, some of which can be extreme or severe, depending on the location and season of the year.
It is clarified that the event prohibits trade of any kind and it will not be possible to obtain and / or purchase anything at the event. Therefore, you must take care of yourself as much as you need for your existence, well-being and maintaining your health during the event, also according to the guidelines and recommendations in the survival guide, all according to the event conditions, location and season.
2. Personal responsibility
2.1 Keep your safety!
First of all - take care of yourself! Listen to your needs and the demands of your body, take care of your safety and the safety of those around you and pay attention to anything that could endanger your well-being.
2.2 Take care of your health!
By participating in the event, you confirm and declare that you are fit and healthy and can participate in the event and any related activities, and that you are not prohibited by any physician from engaging in such events or activities.
If at the time of an event you are not in a normal state of health that allows you to participate in it, you are required not to attend it.
2.3 Take care of the children!
Children under the age of 18 are invited to attend events open to minors after giving consent to both parents during the event the child must be Accompanied by a parent only. You have a duty to maintain the safety of your children personally throughout the event, and the full responsibility for their participation, presence or viewing of the various activities that will take place at the event
Please note that the law prohibits the serving of alcohol to minors under the age of 18.
For the avoidance of doubt, these terms of participation apply in full to your children, and by bringing them to the event you approve of these terms also for them as their natural guardian. And if one or both parents do not accompany the child to the event, a parental consent form must be signed, which constitutes the approval of both parents for the minor's participation.
2.4 Preserve the environment!
You are absolutely responsible for cleaning your environment throughout the event and especially at the end. You must take with you any equipment, material or waste, whether you brought it with you or accumulated while you were at the event in such a way that there will be no sign of you being there.
As part of participating in the event, you are asked to donate your time and help with cleaning during and after the event.
2.5 Keep an eye on your belongings!
You are personally and exclusively responsible for all the equipment and property that you bring with you to the event. We recommend marking your name, phone number, email address on your belongings. Also make sure to keep valuables under supervision or in a safe place. The organizers will not be liable for any loss or damage caused to your property.
Entering and exiting the event
When you enter the event, you will meet the gate volunteers ("Gritters") who will assist you in realizing the card you own and in the process of entering the event.
3.1 Exercise of the card at the entrance
Admission to each event is conditional on:
Presenting a valid card for each participant, with his or her identification information.
Presenting an ID card - ID, passport or driver's license
Note: The card is personal. It is not possible to transfer a ticket to another person, without the prior written approval of the organizers, as long as they choose to confirm it.
3.1.3 enforcement If a person is caught sneaking into the incident, he will be immediately removed from the scene. If a person tries to infiltrate a vehicle, trunk or any other method, the same person will be removed and all the friends who are with him in the vehicle will be removed from the place and will not be able to enter, their tickets will be canceled immediately. In addition, a person who infiltrated the event and anyone who helped him infiltrate - will be removed to 3 events of the association.
"Assistant" in the owner of a vehicle / person who transferred a bracelet, who helped an unauthorized entry or any other situation in which the infiltrator was assisted by a participant.
3.2 What is not allowed in the event?
Animals - It is forbidden to bring animals to an event of any kind (including pets)
Except for guide dogs for the blind.
Any type of substance that is dangerous, toxic, harmful or prohibited by law.
All weapons - bringing cold or hot weapons into the event area is strictly prohibited. Please note that the ban on bringing weapons into the temporary city also applies to licensed firearms holders. There will be no weapons deposit stand at the event.
Drugs - The importation of dangerous drugs as defined by law is prohibited.
Any item or material you import will be banned by the authorized licensing authorities.
3.3 Consent to an inspection at the entrance
The organizers and / or the Israel Police may inspect the vehicle and / or the vehicle you arrived with, in order to check that you do not have any things prohibited by law or these conditions, and to make sure that everyone has a valid entrance ticket. You undertake to cooperate with the above parties. Failure to cooperate with such an inspection may result in you being prevented from entering the event.
3.4 Wearing a bracelet
When you enter the event, the gate volunteers will wear a bracelet by you. Children under the age of 18 (at events that are allowed to participate) will receive a bracelet in a different and prominent color that will differentiate them from the other participants, among other things to alleviate the enforcement of the ban on serving alcohol to minors. Each participant must wear the bracelet throughout the event.
It is hereby clarified that the organizers will work by all means to ensure that a bracelet is worn by each participant, and participants caught without a bracelet will be removed from the event immediately.
3.5 Accessibility of the event for participants with disabilities
The organizers will act In order to make the events and their contents as accessible as possible, according to the location of the event and the conditions that exist in it, and subject to the provisions of the law.
3.6 Exit from the event complex
The exit from the event complex will be possible only through the entrance and exit gates. Please note that if you went out and wanted to return to the event, you may have to wait in the entry queue and re-enter exactly the same way you entered the event for the first time, such as: presenting the card and / or displaying the bracelet, identifying and allowing your vehicle / vehicle to search. Or any part of the above.
4. Rules of conduct at the event
4.1 Inclusion and tolerance
Absolute self-expression stems from the uniqueness of the individual. You can determine and define your own characteristics of uniqueness, but in order to allow you and the other participants to experience the event in full and with maximum enjoyment, you must respect the rights and freedoms of all other participants in inclusion and tolerance.
4.2 Zero tolerance for violence
The event organizer advocates a policy of zero tolerance for violence, whether physical, verbal and behavioral of any kind. If you are injured by a participant in an event, you can Complain to me The organizers as well as the law enforcement agencies.
It is hereby clarified that the organizers reserve the right to remove a participant from the event immediately If he has acted violently of any kind, and to prevent him from entering future events.
4.3 Total self-expression in the event
It is important to know that some of the participants in the event may behave or dress differently from the day-to-day, depending on the individual's self-expressions, such as other behaviors than usual or wearing different / partial clothing. You confirm that you have chosen to attend the event out of understanding, knowledge and desire to be at such an event.
4.4 Sexuality, expression and keeping boundaries
Absolute self-expression, even if it is related to extroverted sexuality, Is not consent or invitation to contact or any other abusive sexual conduct. Sexual harassment violates human dignity, freedom, privacy, and gender equality, is contrary to the association's policy, and it will not accept them. The association will deal with such acts according to Procedure for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Harassment, Which is part of these conditions for all intents and purposes. In addition to the Sexual Harassment Prevention Law that applies to you, by participating in the event, you declare and undertake that the provisions of the procedure for the treatment and prevention of sexual harassment apply to you in full, including the authority of the committee commissioner on behalf of the association. We emphasize that sexual harassment is a criminal act and a cause of civil and tort action. .
If you are injured or exposed to harm by a participant in the incident, we recommend that you report it to the law enforcement authorities and at the same time inform the Commissioner for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment on behalf of the association:
4.5 Prohibited activity
all Commercial and political activities of all kinds, including the distribution of ideological materials, advertising, hoisting flags and placing signs of commercial entities, parties and organizations working to influence and recruit supporters - are strictly prohibited.
4.6 "Nomads"
"Nomads" teams will operate at the events. The nomads are volunteers who have been trained to act in order to bridge and assist in resolving conflicts that may arise between the participants of the event. The nomads help to maintain the security, serenity and quality of the experience of the event. Please note that nomads are not part of law enforcement authorities and do not directly intervene in circumstances that constitute offenses against the law. The nomads tour the event throughout its length and can be identified by a khaki robe with the nomads symbol. You are required to obey and obey their instructions.
4.7 Maintaining Law and Order
State laws apply to you in full during the entire event. You must be responsible for maintaining the law and public order and obeying the instructions of the security forces and / or the organizers. Non-compliance with the instructions of the security forces and / or the organizers may result in your removal from the event.
5. Photography and documentation (stills and video)
5.1 Photography at the event
As a rule, each event constitutes a space that allows the participant to behave and express himself in a way unique to him. We recommend that you leave the camera in a safe place and immediately experience the event indirectly not through the camera viewfinder.
5.2 Rules of Photography
Because photography is sometimes an integral part of the experience of many of the participants, and in order to document the event while giving all participants the freedom to express themselves without fear, event photography is subject to the rules set forth in this section (hereinafter: "Photography Rules").
5.2.1 The photograph will be for use Personal of the photographer or subject only. Photography for any other purpose
strictly prohibited.
5.2.2 Participants may not be photographed without their permission, and / or naked, and / or while violating the privacy of the individual.
5.2.3 Do not publish or distribute photos of any participant in which the subject can be identified, at all
Means of advertising or communication, websites, blogs and social networks, without its permission
The express for this of the person being photographed and the approval of the association.
5.3 Photographers authorized at the event
Authorized photographers may wear special identification badges at the event. These licensed photographers will be trained and approved by the association's communications department to avoid infringing on participants' privacy and the nature of the event when using the camera and publishing the photos by them.
As a participant in the event, you authorize the association to make use of your photos taken by licensed photographers for the benefit of promoting the association's goals, including through the website and social networks. If you still see the use made of the photo you are taking as infringing on your privacy, please contact the association that will work to remove it.
If you are a journalist or art photographer or documentary documentary or if you are interested for any reason in taking pictures for publication and / or in case you want to take a camera with a hovercraft at the event, and if you are interested in volunteering and being a photographer for event production, you can apply for prior approval Via email gallery@midburn.org. Without prior approval, it is not possible to take photos!
5.4 Violation of the rules of photography
The rules of photography constitute a basic condition for your participation in the event and with your approval of these rules you undertake to abide by them without any reservation. Violation of any of the photography rules will constitute a serious injury to the spirit of the event and the community and thus may cause the event organizer and its participants heavy damage, and it will do whatever is necessary to prevent this.
5.5 Agreed compensation for publishing photos in violation of the photography rules
In any case where you publish and / or distribute photos that you took in violation of the photo rules to the public and / or on the Internet and / or on a social network, you may be sued by the event organizer and / or by any other injured party to compensate them.
In view of your knowledge and understanding of the damage you may cause to the event organizer in violation of the photo rules and especially while posting photos in violation of them, and in particular offensive and / or revealing and / or invading privacy photos, you declare and promise the event organizer that in case you post such photos And agreed by you in advance in the amount of NIS 50,000 for each photo and / or publication. You acknowledge that this amount is reasonable and reasonable in the circumstances of the case and that you will have to pay it even without the event organizer being required to prove the damage, without infringing on its right to sue and prove higher damage.
6 Event safety
6.1 Safety above all
The organizers see safety at the event as a supreme value and as a fundamental and essential condition for existence Any event at all. Each participant has a full responsibility not to endanger any other person in his actions. You are required to "raise your head" and be alert to the safety risks that exist in your area and to act to prevent and / or remove them, and if necessary to alert the organizers of hazards immediately.
6.2 The safety of your encampment
If the stay at the event includes accommodation in the area, you intend to set up a tent / shading / tent, you must plan in advance and take into account every possible safety aspect in this regard before coming to the event. You must bring with you everything necessary for the establishment and a safe and responsible stay, and take care of the establishment, maintenance and dismantling Of your encampment, or any facility included in it, in a safe and responsible manner while avoiding risks throughout the event.
6.3 Safety of installations, activities and facilities
Some of the events include, and are even dedicated to, complete self-expression and art, installations - any type of sculpture or art placed at the event, moves - installations in motion, performances, performances, content / theme activities and unique costumes at the event. This is the perfect place to give free rein to creativity and allow creation without boundaries and without limits. The art created at the event is non-commercial, uninvited and does not carry any branding.
If you participate in the establishment, organization, operation or appearance of such an installation / facility / facility / activity, it is your responsibility to ensure the establishment, operation, maintenance and dismantling of the activity and all that is involved, while preventing any risk to you and other participants throughout the event.
The actual use or activity of any participant in an installation, facility or performance that allows its use or activity is the sole responsibility of the participant.
6.4 Content Content Safety
If you hold content activities that may pose a danger of any kind during the event, such as: fire activities (such as juggling), circus and merry-go-rounds or any other dangerous activity, you bear full and exclusive responsibility for everything related to it, and you must carry out this activity with full care. On your safety and the safety of the participants. If during the event you have chosen to participate in a dangerous activity of any kind, you do so at your own risk.
6.5 Safety - General
During the entire event, you must follow the safety instructions that will be distributed and published in connection with the event, as well as obey any other and / or additional safety instructions provided to you by the organizers in any way. Safety risk and reserve the right to take immediate action to repair or remove anything that poses a danger to public safety and you will not have any claims in this regard. The event organizers also have the right to charge you for the expenses involved in repairing or clearing the safety hazard.
7. Volunteers; participation
As part of our community values, we encourage community effort and participation. The basic assumption is that co-creation builds a human connection and community partnership. This is of course beyond the possibility of creating on a larger scale. Volunteering is an integral part of the event experience, and the volunteers are the ones who enable the event to take place.
Please note that your volunteering for the benefit of the association and / or as part of the event is not covered by the National Insurance Law.
8 Awareness of risks, waiver and release
8.1 Risks in the event
The organizers will do and do everything in their power to manage the safety of the event from all aspects and act and will act in the event in accordance with the conditions of licensing the event and the law. However, since the event is multi-participant and risky, you know that there can be many risks. Therefore, by purchasing a ticket for the event and participating in it, you confirm your understanding and knowledge that during it you may take part, whether as a spectator, as a participant. Or as a passerby, in activities that may involve the risk of injury, disability, death, loss of property or any other damage, which may be caused inter alia as a result of any of the following factors or a combination thereof.
8.2 Waiver and Release
In view of the above, by purchasing a ticket and using it to enter the event, and / or your actual participation in the event in any way, you undertake and declare on your behalf and on behalf of everyone on your behalf as follows:
You are solely responsible for everything that happens to you at the event, in connection with or due to your participation in it.
You understand and know that the event will feature works of art, installations, theme camps, events and performances,
Which are not the responsibility or ownership of the organizers, and therefore, you are aware of this and take on all the risks that may be associated with your participation in them in any form.
You release the organizers and anyone who acts on their behalf or on their behalf from any responsibility for any
Damage to your property or to you in the event.
It undertakes to speak to the organizers, everyone who acts on their behalf, and third parties on
Any expense incurred by them in connection with the damage caused by you in the event, as a result of the risks and their factors listed above.
You declare that you are in a state of physical and mental health that allows you to participate in the event.
9 General
9.1 You authorize the organizers to send you updates and notifications via the email account (e-mail) you specified when registering / updating your profile on the association's website, including updates, changes and additions to these terms, which will apply to you with such mailing and you undertake to be updated. In them and obey them. The provisions of these terms and conditions will also apply to updates sent to you as aforesaid.
9.2 If the organizers receive information that you have acted in an event in the past, or that you intend to act in an event contrary to the ten principles and / or in violation of any of these conditions, the event organizer may, at its sole discretion, cancel your ticket and / or your right to participate in the event. In such a case, you will be entitled to a refund of the price of the ticket due to its cancellation, and except for this refund, you will not be entitled to any other / additional compensation due to such cancellation.
9.3 In the event of an event in which you participate in any of these Terms, the Event Organizer may act against you in its sole discretion in any of the following ways, and without any liability to you as a result:
Stop participating in the event and get out of the event area immediately.
Require repair of the violation / injury by you for all that this implies.
Prohibit you and prevent you from participating in any other event, for a limited period of time or at all, and / or
Freeze or cancel your registration as a profile owner on the association's website.
The local jurisdiction for any matter concerning the event and these regulations will be in the competent court in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa District.
I confirm that I have read and understood the above conditions and I undertake to comply with them in full, and that I waive any claim of ignorance of any of the conditions. It is known and clear to me that if I had not agreed to be subject to these conditions as stated, the organizers would not have agreed to my participation in the event in the first place. If I came to the event with my kids, I confirm that As the natural custodian, all that is stated in these conditions, and agrees for them and on their behalf to all that is stated in it. I acknowledge that I have a parental consent form in which both parents of the child have given their express consent to the terms of participation.